Our clients regard service as the heart of their operation. No matter the brand, if the service rendered or the customer experience fails, expectations, sales and the brand’s reputation are bound to suffer.

At Whyte Mulberry, we believe that consumers are the best people to tell brands how they are doing. Be it in the hotel and restaurant industry or retail stores, delivering a brand’s experience through good customer service is crucial.

Working alongside with brands, we conduct mystery-shopping programs on their behalf by using real consumers.

We invite shoppers / consumers to become the brand’s ‘eyes and ears’, and to help assess where service is good and where improvements are needed. Thanks to insights from real customers, brands can make a real and positive difference to the persons that matter the most: their clients.

© Copyright 2011 Whyte Mulberry
227 Selim Bustros Street – Tabaris – Achrafieh - Beirut – Lebanon | info@whytemulberry.com